US 12,133,425 B2
Display device
Eung Taek Kim, Hwaseong-si (KR); Kohei Ebisuno, Hwaseong-si (KR); Suk Hoon Ku, Seoul (KR); Jin Suk Lee, Gwangmyeong-si (KR); Jung Mi Choi, Seoul (KR); Young In Hwang, Suwon-si (KR); Tae Sik Kim, Hanam-si (KR); Jin Suk Seo, Cheonan-si (KR); Hwang Sup Shin, Cheonan-si (KR); Taek Geun Lee, Seongnam-si (KR); Joo Hyeon Jo, Cheonan-si (KR); Hong Jun Choi, Seoul (KR); Hee Yeon Kim, Hwaseong-si (KR); and Na Lae Lee, Suwon-si (KR)
Assigned to Samsung Display Co., Ltd., Yongin-si (KR)
Filed by Samsung Display Co., Ltd., Yongin-Si (KR)
Filed on Aug. 10, 2021, as Appl. No. 17/398,742.
Claims priority of application No. 10-2020-0144420 (KR), filed on Nov. 2, 2020.
Prior Publication US 2022/0140033 A1, May 5, 2022
Int. Cl. G09G 3/00 (2006.01); H01L 29/792 (2006.01); H10K 59/123 (2023.01); H10K 59/124 (2023.01); H10K 59/131 (2023.01); G09G 3/3208 (2016.01)
CPC H10K 59/124 (2023.02) [H01L 29/792 (2013.01); H10K 59/123 (2023.02); H10K 59/131 (2023.02); G09G 3/3208 (2013.01)] 19 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A display device, comprising:
a first substrate;
a first charge trap layer disposed on the first substrate and including silicon nitride;
a semiconductor layer disposed on the first charge trap layer and including a first active layer of a first transistor and a second active layer of a second transistor; and
an organic light emitting element electrically connected to the first transistor,
wherein a ratio of a content of a Si element to a content of an N element in the first charge trap layer is in a range of 1.6 to 2.5,
wherein the content of the Si element in the first charge trap layer is in a range of 60 at % to 70 at % and the content of the N element in the first charge trap layer is in a range of 25 at % to 35 at %.