US 12,133,162 B2
Method for performing multi-link communication in wireless communication system
Namyeong Kim, Seoul (KR); Jeongki Kim, Seoul (KR); Jinsoo Choi, Seoul (KR); Sungjin Park, Seoul (KR); Taewon Song, Seoul (KR); and Insun Jang, Seoul (KR)
Assigned to LG ELECTRONICS INC., Seoul (KR)
Appl. No. 17/908,801
Filed by LG ELECTRONICS INC., Seoul (KR)
PCT Filed Mar. 5, 2021, PCT No. PCT/KR2021/002737
§ 371(c)(1), (2) Date Oct. 5, 2022,
PCT Pub. No. WO2021/177774, PCT Pub. Date Sep. 10, 2021.
Claims priority of application No. 10-2020-0028000 (KR), filed on Mar. 5, 2020; application No. 10-2020-0100041 (KR), filed on Aug. 10, 2020; application No. 10-2020-0122421 (KR), filed on Sep. 22, 2020; application No. 10-2020-0134558 (KR), filed on Oct. 16, 2020; and application No. 10-2020-0139654 (KR), filed on Oct. 26, 2020.
Prior Publication US 2023/0345349 A1, Oct. 26, 2023
Int. Cl. H04W 48/14 (2009.01); H04W 76/15 (2018.01); H04W 84/12 (2009.01)
CPC H04W 48/14 (2013.01) [H04W 76/15 (2018.02); H04W 84/12 (2013.01)] 16 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method in a wireless local area network (WLAN) system, the method comprising:
transmitting, by a multi-link device (MLD) connected to a plurality of links including a first link, a request frame including an information field for requesting at least one element related to a second link to a first access point (AP) of an AP multi-link device, through a first station (STA) included in the MLD, wherein the first STA operates in the first link, and wherein the information field includes identifier (ID) information related to the second link; and
receiving, by the MLD, a response frame from the first AP through the first STA, based on the request frame, wherein the response frame includes the at least one element.