US 12,133,077 B2
Physical access control systems with localization-based intent detection
Hans-Juergen Pirch, Gratwein Strassengel (AT); Fredrik Carl Stefan Einberg, Huddinge (SE); Tomas Lars Jonsson, Rönninge (SE); Sylvain Jacques Prevost, Austin, TX (US); Jan Steffl, Senomaty (CZ); and Hans Gunnar Frank, Spånga (SE)
Assigned to ASSA ABLOY AB, Stockholm (SE)
Filed by ASSA ABLOY AB, Stockholm (SE)
Filed on Aug. 9, 2023, as Appl. No. 18/446,657.
Application 18/446,657 is a continuation of application No. 17/812,426, filed on Jul. 13, 2022, granted, now 11,765,588.
Application 17/812,426 is a continuation of application No. 16/828,001, filed on Mar. 24, 2020, granted, now 11,405,784.
Claims priority of provisional application 62/823,341, filed on Mar. 25, 2019.
Prior Publication US 2023/0388799 A1, Nov. 30, 2023
This patent is subject to a terminal disclaimer.
Int. Cl. H04L 29/06 (2006.01); G06F 12/14 (2006.01); G06N 3/08 (2023.01); G06Q 10/1093 (2023.01); G07C 9/00 (2020.01); G07C 9/10 (2020.01); G07C 9/21 (2020.01); G07C 9/22 (2020.01); G07C 9/25 (2020.01); G07C 9/27 (2020.01); G07C 9/28 (2020.01); G07C 9/29 (2020.01); H04W 4/02 (2018.01); H04W 4/80 (2018.01); H04W 12/06 (2021.01); H04W 12/08 (2021.01); H04W 12/64 (2021.01)
CPC H04W 12/08 (2013.01) [G06F 12/1458 (2013.01); G06N 3/08 (2013.01); G06Q 10/1095 (2013.01); G07C 9/00174 (2013.01); G07C 9/00182 (2013.01); G07C 9/00309 (2013.01); G07C 9/00904 (2013.01); G07C 9/10 (2020.01); G07C 9/21 (2020.01); G07C 9/22 (2020.01); G07C 9/257 (2020.01); G07C 9/27 (2020.01); G07C 9/28 (2020.01); G07C 9/29 (2020.01); H04W 4/027 (2013.01); H04W 4/80 (2018.02); H04W 12/06 (2013.01); H04W 12/64 (2021.01); G07C 2009/00333 (2013.01); G07C 2009/00357 (2013.01); G07C 2009/00769 (2013.01); G07C 2209/08 (2013.01); G07C 2209/61 (2013.01); G07C 2209/63 (2013.01)] 20 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method of regulating access to an asset in an access control system, the method comprising:
establishing a first wireless connection with a key-device using a low power communication protocol;
receiving a credential for a user of the key device over the first wireless connection;
establishing a second wireless connection with the key-device using Ultra-Wideband (UWB);
determining the user intends to access the asset, wherein determining the user intends to access the asset comprises determining the user meets a first intent threshold based on the second wireless connection; and
permitting access to the asset in response to determining the user intends to access the asset and determining the user meets a second intent threshold based on the second wireless connection.