US 12,132,779 B2
Load distribution across superclusters
Christopoher Newton, Westlake Village, CA (US)
Assigned to Sandpiper CDN, LLC, Wilmington, DE (US)
Filed by Sandpiper CDN, LLC, Wilmington, DE (US)
Filed on Apr. 21, 2023, as Appl. No. 18/137,754.
Application 18/137,754 is a continuation of application No. 16/816,007, filed on Mar. 11, 2020, granted, now 11,637,893.
Application 16/816,007 is a continuation of application No. 16/002,919, filed on Jun. 7, 2018, granted, now 10,594,782, issued on Mar. 17, 2020.
Prior Publication US 2023/0254366 A1, Aug. 10, 2023
This patent is subject to a terminal disclaimer.
Int. Cl. H04L 67/1008 (2022.01); H04L 49/201 (2022.01); H04L 61/4511 (2022.01); H04L 67/1014 (2022.01); H04L 67/1021 (2022.01); H04L 67/562 (2022.01); H04L 67/563 (2022.01); H04L 67/568 (2022.01)
CPC H04L 67/1008 (2013.01) [H04L 49/201 (2013.01); H04L 61/4511 (2022.05); H04L 67/1014 (2013.01); H04L 67/1021 (2013.01); H04L 67/562 (2022.05); H04L 67/563 (2022.05); H04L 67/568 (2022.05)] 20 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A supercluster, comprising:
a plurality of machines;
a publish-subscribe (Pub-Sub) channel to which each of the plurality of machines is subscribed,
wherein each of the plurality of machines is configured to:
publish availability status and resource allocation information to the Pub-Sub channel;
receive availability status and resource allocation information of at least another one of the plurality of machines via the Pub-Sub channel;
forward a request received from a client for content data to the another one of the plurality of machines based on the availability status and the resource allocation information on the Pub-Sub channel.