US 12,132,476 B2
Power supply switch circuit and operating method thereof
Youngwong Jang, Suwon-si (KR); Jeonghoon Kim, Suwon-si (KR); Shinichi Iizuka, Suwon-si (KR); Jongok Ha, Suwon-si (KR); and Hyejin Lee, Suwon-si (KR)
Assigned to Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd., Suwon-si (KR)
Filed on Jun. 9, 2022, as Appl. No. 17/836,518.
Claims priority of application No. 10-2021-0126533 (KR), filed on Sep. 24, 2021.
Prior Publication US 2023/0011598 A1, Jan. 12, 2023
Int. Cl. H03K 19/20 (2006.01); H03F 3/21 (2006.01); H03K 17/687 (2006.01); H03K 19/17772 (2020.01)
CPC H03K 17/6871 (2013.01) [H03F 3/21 (2013.01); H03K 19/17772 (2013.01); H03K 19/20 (2013.01)] 35 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A power supply switch circuit, comprising:
a first transistor that switches supplying of a first power supply voltage to a power supply terminal of a power amplifier;
a switch controller that controls the first transistor and to which a second power supply voltage is applied; and
a voltage selector that selects a higher voltage among the first power supply voltage and the second power supply voltage,
wherein the selected higher voltage is applied to a body terminal of the first transistor or a gate terminal of the first transistor.