US 12,132,236 B2
Supplemental cooling systems for fuel cell powered vehicles with liquid hydrogen
Shouhao Wu, South Barrington, IL (US); and Grzegorz Siuchta, Des Plaines, IL (US)
Assigned to International Engine Intellectual Property Company, LLC, Lisle, IL (US)
Filed by International Engine Intellectual Property Company, LLC, Lisle, IL (US)
Filed on Mar. 24, 2022, as Appl. No. 17/703,971.
Prior Publication US 2023/0307669 A1, Sep. 28, 2023
Int. Cl. H01M 8/04029 (2016.01); F25B 19/00 (2006.01); H01M 8/04007 (2016.01); H01M 8/0432 (2016.01); H01M 8/0438 (2016.01); H01M 8/04746 (2016.01)
CPC H01M 8/04029 (2013.01) [F25B 19/005 (2013.01); H01M 8/04067 (2013.01); H01M 8/04358 (2013.01); H01M 8/04417 (2013.01); H01M 8/04768 (2013.01)] 15 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A cooling system, comprising:
a liquid hydrogen storage tank;
a liquid hydrogen metering pump having a pump inlet in fluid communication with the liquid hydrogen storage tank, and a pump outlet;
a hydrogen evaporator heat exchanger having an evaporator inlet in fluid communication with the pump outlet, and an evaporator outlet;
a hydrogen gas accumulator having an accumulator inlet in fluid communication with the evaporator outlet, and an accumulator outlet;
a hydrogen fuel cell system comprising at least one hydrogen fuel cell having a fuel cell inlet in fluid communication with the accumulator outlet; and
a coolant circuit comprising a first coolant path disposed in thermal contact with the hydrogen evaporator heat exchanger;
the coolant circuit further comprising second and third coolant paths and a coolant regulating valve disposed within the coolant circuit upstream of the hydrogen evaporator heat exchanger, wherein the coolant regulating valve is configured to control the amount of coolant flowing through the first coolant path and flowing through the second coolant path, that bypasses the hydrogen evaporator heat exchanger, wherein the first coolant path and the second coolant path join together in the third coolant path downstream of the hydrogen evaporator heat exchanger.