US 12,132,171 B2
Inorganic solid electrolyte-containing composition, sheet for all-solid state secondary battery, electrode sheet for all-solid state secondary battery, and all-solid state secondary battery, and manufacturing methods for sheet for all-solid state secondary battery and all-solid state secondary battery
Hiroshi Isojima, Kanagawa (JP); and Hideyuki Suzuki, Kanagawa (JP)
Assigned to FUJIFILM Corporation, Tokyo (JP)
Filed by FUJIFILM Corporation, Tokyo (JP)
Filed on Jan. 10, 2022, as Appl. No. 17/572,543.
Application 17/572,543 is a continuation of application No. PCT/JP2020/024291, filed on Jun. 22, 2020.
Claims priority of application No. 2019-133417 (JP), filed on Jul. 19, 2019.
Prior Publication US 2022/0140395 A1, May 5, 2022
Int. Cl. H01M 10/0568 (2010.01); H01M 4/62 (2006.01); H01M 10/0525 (2010.01); H01M 10/0569 (2010.01); H01M 10/0585 (2010.01)
CPC H01M 10/0568 (2013.01) [H01M 4/62 (2013.01); H01M 10/0525 (2013.01); H01M 10/0569 (2013.01); H01M 10/0585 (2013.01); H01M 2300/0037 (2013.01)] 22 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. An inorganic solid electrolyte-containing composition comprising:
an inorganic solid electrolyte having an ion conductivity of a metal belonging to Group 1 or Group 2 in the periodic table;
a binder; and
an organic solvent,
wherein the binder contains at least two kinds of binder A and binder B which differ in adsorption rate with respect to the inorganic solid electrolyte, and
an adsorption rate of the binder A is 15% or more, and an adsorption rate of the binder B is less than 10%.