US 12,131,115 B2
Summarization method for recorded audio
Keith William Grueneberg, Yorktown Heights, NY (US); Jason Crawford, Yorktown Heights, NY (US); Jonathan Lenchner, Yorktown Heights, NY (US); Satya V. Nitta, Yorktown Heights, NY (US); Christian Makaya, Summit, NJ (US); and Sharad C. Sundararajan, Yorktown Heights, NY (US)
Filed by International Business Machines Corporation, Armonk, NY (US)
Filed on Sep. 23, 2021, as Appl. No. 17/482,643.
Application 17/482,643 is a continuation of application No. 16/688,102, filed on Nov. 19, 2019, granted, now 11,288,443.
Application 16/688,102 is a continuation of application No. 15/994,781, filed on May 31, 2018, granted, now 10,592,599, issued on Mar. 17, 2020.
Application 15/994,781 is a continuation of application No. 15/785,520, filed on Oct. 17, 2017, granted, now 10,089,290, issued on Oct. 2, 2018.
Application 15/785,520 is a continuation of application No. 15/250,780, filed on Aug. 29, 2016, granted, now 9,875,225, issued on Jan. 23, 2018.
Prior Publication US 2022/0012413 A1, Jan. 13, 2022
Int. Cl. G06F 40/169 (2020.01); G06F 40/279 (2020.01)
CPC G06F 40/169 (2020.01) [G06F 40/279 (2020.01)] 6 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A computer-implemented meeting summarization method, the method comprising:
compiling first notes from a first user taken by a first note taking tool and second notes from a second user taken by a second note taking tool, wherein the compiled first and second notes are associated with an audio file; and
providing a summary of the compiled first and second notes in a specific order according to a signal sent from the first note taking tool and the second note taking tool, wherein the summary highlights a particular timestamp of the audio file responsive to the particular timestamp including a co-occurrence of notes from both the first user and the second user.