US 12,130,623 B2
Advanced movement through vegetation with an autonomous vehicle
Aviram Shmueli, Modi'in (IL); Alon Ascher, Tel Aviv (IL); Ben Alfi, Tel Aviv (IL); and Shmuel Ur, Shorashim (IL)
Assigned to Blue White Robotics Ltd, Tel Aviv (IL)
Filed by Blue White Robotics Ltd, Tel Aviv (IL)
Filed on Jul. 12, 2021, as Appl. No. 17/372,626.
Prior Publication US 2023/0011864 A1, Jan. 12, 2023
Int. Cl. G05D 1/00 (2024.01); A01B 69/00 (2006.01); A01B 69/04 (2006.01); B60W 60/00 (2020.01); B64C 39/02 (2023.01); G06N 20/00 (2019.01); G06Q 30/0283 (2023.01); B64U 101/00 (2023.01)
CPC G05D 1/0088 (2013.01) [A01B 69/001 (2013.01); A01B 69/008 (2013.01); B60W 60/0011 (2020.02); B60W 60/0025 (2020.02); B64C 39/024 (2013.01); G06N 20/00 (2019.01); G06Q 30/0283 (2013.01); B60W 2300/152 (2013.01); B60W 2420/403 (2013.01); B64U 2101/00 (2023.01); B64U 2201/10 (2023.01)] 17 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method of automatically operating automated vehicles moving through vegetation obstacles with minimal damage, comprising:
using at least one processor for:
receiving at least one image depicting at least one vegetation obstacle blocking at least partially a path of an automated vehicle executing a mission;
analyzing the at least one image to extract at least one of a plurality of obstacle attributes of the at least one vegetation obstacle;
computing a plurality of movement patterns for operating the automated vehicle to cross the at least one vegetation obstacle based on at least one of a plurality of vehicle attributes of the automated vehicle with respect to at least one of the plurality of obstacle attributes, each of the plurality of movement patterns defining at least one of a plurality of movement parameters of the automated vehicle, at least one of the computed movement patterns comprising engaging the vegetation obstacle with at least one mechanical element of the automated vehicle, for clearing a way for the automated vehicle to cross;
selecting one of the plurality of movement patterns estimated to reduce a cost of damage to the automated vehicle and/or to the at least one vegetation obstacle;
outputting instructions for operating the automated vehicle to move through the at least one vegetation obstacle according to the selected movement pattern; and
in real-time, during a time period when the automated vehicle is moving through the at least one vegetation obstacle according to the selected movement pattern, capturing sensory data by at least one sensor deployed to monitor interaction between the automated vehicle and the at least one vegetation obstacle during said time period during which the automated vehicle is moving through the at least one vegetation obstacle and adjusting at least one of the plurality of movement parameters defined by the selected movement pattern according to the captured sensory data.