US 12,130,585 B2
Electrophotographic developer set comprising toner and powder adhesive, method for producing bonded product, and powder adhesive
Tsutomu Shimano, Shizuoka (JP); Koji Nishikawa, Shizuoka (JP); Yuhei Terui, Shizuoka (JP); Shohei Yamashita, Tokyo (JP); Kohei Matsuda, Kanagawa (JP); and Yuki Nishizawa, Kanagawa (JP)
Assigned to Canon Kabushiki Kaisha, Tokyo (JP)
Filed on Jul. 26, 2021, as Appl. No. 17/385,147.
Claims priority of application No. 2020-130345 (JP), filed on Jul. 31, 2020.
Prior Publication US 2022/0035261 A1, Feb. 3, 2022
Int. Cl. G03G 9/097 (2006.01); G03G 9/08 (2006.01); G03G 9/087 (2006.01); G03G 9/13 (2006.01); G03G 9/135 (2006.01)
CPC G03G 9/08711 (2013.01) [G03G 9/0823 (2013.01); G03G 9/08782 (2013.01); G03G 9/131 (2013.01); G03G 9/135 (2013.01)] 12 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. An electrophotographic developer set comprising
a toner comprising a thermoplastic resin and a wax; and
a powder adhesive comprising a thermoplastic resin and a wax, wherein
where Ea (mmol/g) denotes an ester group concentration of the wax contained in the toner,
Na (mass %) denotes a content of the wax in the toner,
Eb (mmol/g) denotes an ester group concentration of the wax contained in the powder adhesive, and
Nb (mass %) denotes a content of the wax in the powder adhesive,
the Ea, the Na, the Eb and the Nb satisfy formulae:
2.50≤Eb≤3.60, and