US 12,128,614 B2
Additive manufacturing system comprising a plurality of manufacturing stations and method for additively manufacturing a plurality of work pieces
Josef Sinder, Woert (DE); Kerstin Brenner, Woert (DE); and Daniel Naumov, Woert (DE)
Assigned to TE Connectivity Germany GmbH, Bensheim (DE)
Filed by TE Connectivity Germany GmbH, Bensheim (DE)
Filed on Feb. 16, 2022, as Appl. No. 17/673,354.
Claims priority of application No. 102021103739.5 (DE), filed on Feb. 17, 2021.
Prior Publication US 2022/0258418 A1, Aug. 18, 2022
Int. Cl. B29C 64/182 (2017.01); B29C 64/214 (2017.01); B29C 64/241 (2017.01); B29C 64/245 (2017.01); B29C 64/268 (2017.01); B29C 64/286 (2017.01); B33Y 10/00 (2015.01); B33Y 30/00 (2015.01)
CPC B29C 64/182 (2017.08) [B29C 64/214 (2017.08); B29C 64/241 (2017.08); B29C 64/245 (2017.08); B29C 64/268 (2017.08); B29C 64/286 (2017.08); B33Y 10/00 (2014.12); B33Y 30/00 (2014.12)] 15 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. An additive manufacturing system, comprising:
a plurality of manufacturing stations each performing a manufacturing step, the manufacturing stations each have a construction chamber;
a laser beam coupling device receiving a laser beam as an input beam;
a plurality of beam paths along which a light of the input beam is guided, the beam paths are simultaneously directed from the laser beam coupling device to the manufacturing stations;
a plurality of material supply devices each having a material reservoir holding a material and a lifting base moving the material; and
a plurality of material wipers, the material wipers are stationary, the material supply devices and the construction chambers are rotatable about an axis of rotation, the lifting bases are rotatable with the material supply devices about the axis of rotation and movable along a direction of the axis of rotation, the material wipers apply the material to the construction chamber when the construction chamber passes the material wipers.