US 12,128,423 B2
Material separation system
Rik Slabbinck, Merelbeke (BE); Peter Baert, Ghent (BE); Simon Waroquier, Anderlecht (BE); and Thierry Vlieghe, Haasdonck (BE)
Assigned to VIGIE GROUP, Paris (FR)
Appl. No. 18/254,335
Filed by SUEZ GROUPE, Paris la Defense (FR)
PCT Filed Nov. 25, 2021, PCT No. PCT/EP2021/083046
§ 371(c)(1), (2) Date May 24, 2023,
PCT Pub. No. WO2022/112444, PCT Pub. Date Jun. 2, 2022.
Claims priority of application No. 20306453 (EP), filed on Nov. 26, 2020.
Prior Publication US 2024/0100542 A1, Mar. 28, 2024
Int. Cl. B03C 1/30 (2006.01); B03C 1/247 (2006.01); B65G 15/62 (2006.01); B65G 43/02 (2006.01)
CPC B03C 1/30 (2013.01) [B03C 1/247 (2013.01); B65G 15/62 (2013.01); B65G 43/02 (2013.01); B03C 2201/20 (2013.01)] 10 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A material separator system comprising:
a separation device to separate at least a first group and a second group of material from an incoming stream of material;
a conveying device to convey said incoming stream of material to the separation device, said conveying device comprising a motorized conveyor belt translating over a support table, the stream of material laying on the conveyor belt and being carried along a longitudinal axis to the separation device;
at least one air nozzle configured to blow air between the conveyor belt and the support table in order to create an air-cushion in-between, the at least one air nozzle being disposed on a lateral side of the conveyor belt oriented parallel to the plane of the support table, in a transversal direction, perpendicular to the longitudinal axis.