US 12,127,941 B2
Devices and methods for the treatment of heart valve insufficiencies
Nadav Yellin, Ramat Gan (IL); Samuel M. Shaolian, Newport Beach, CA (US); Matan Gedulter, Givat Ella (IL); Boaz Schwarz, Tel Aviv (IL); Daniel Rapoport, Kfar Menahem (IL); and Avraham Eftel, Tel Aviv (IL)
Assigned to Valcare Medical, Inc., Wilmington, DE (US)
Filed by VALCARE MEDICAL, INC., Wilmington, DE (US)
Filed on Nov. 7, 2023, as Appl. No. 18/503,444.
Application 17/443,522 is a division of application No. 15/677,408, filed on Aug. 15, 2017, granted, now 11,103,349, issued on Aug. 31, 2021.
Application 18/503,444 is a continuation of application No. 17/443,522, filed on Jul. 27, 2021, granted, now 11,813,164.
Claims priority of provisional application 62/375,079, filed on Aug. 15, 2016.
Prior Publication US 2024/0074860 A1, Mar. 7, 2024
This patent is subject to a terminal disclaimer.
Int. Cl. A61F 2/24 (2006.01); A61F 2/00 (2006.01)
CPC A61F 2/2448 (2013.01) [A61F 2/0077 (2013.01); A61F 2/2466 (2013.01); A61F 2002/0081 (2013.01); A61F 2210/0014 (2013.01); A61F 2220/0016 (2013.01); A61F 2220/0033 (2013.01); A61F 2250/001 (2013.01)] 19 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. An annuloplasty ring comprising:
a hollow tube with a first end and a second end, wherein the first end is configured to couple to the second end;
a plurality of windows disposed in an exterior of the hollow tube;
an anchor rail comprising a plurality of anchors configured to extend outward from the hollow tube through the plurality of windows,
wherein the anchor rail comprises an anchor stop mechanism with a projection that projects a predetermined height from the anchor rail, the anchor stop mechanism is configured to hold the plurality of anchors in place and prevent premature deployment of the plurality of anchors.