US 12,127,774 B2
K-wire implants for fractures
Philip Watt, New Holland, PA (US); Kory Smith, Exton, PA (US); Jeffrey Loftus-Vergari, Media, PA (US); and Danielle Rossi, West Chester, PA (US)
Assigned to DEPUY SYNTHES PRODUCTS, INC., Raynham, MA (US)
Filed on Mar. 13, 2023, as Appl. No. 18/182,913.
Application 18/182,913 is a continuation of application No. 17/327,132, filed on May 21, 2021, granted, now 11,633,221.
Claims priority of provisional application 63/032,249, filed on May 29, 2020.
Prior Publication US 2023/0248407 A1, Aug. 10, 2023
Int. Cl. A61B 17/88 (2006.01); A61B 17/72 (2006.01); A61B 17/80 (2006.01); A61B 17/84 (2006.01); A61B 17/86 (2006.01); A61B 17/56 (2006.01)
CPC A61B 17/88 (2013.01) [A61B 17/7233 (2013.01); A61B 17/808 (2013.01); A61B 17/848 (2013.01); A61B 17/8605 (2013.01); A61B 17/861 (2013.01); A61B 2017/564 (2013.01)] 9 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method for implanting a K-wire using a slotted washer, wherein the slotted washer comprises;
an upper arm with a first screw hole;
a lower arm with a second screw hole;
a connector connecting the upper arm with the lower arm; and
a K-wire opening configured to receive and compress the K-wire, the K-wire opening disposed adjacent the connector and between the lower arm and upper arm;
the method comprising:
reducing a bone fragment to a native bone;
driving the K-wire through the bone fragment into the native bone;
backing the K-wire out of the bone;
bending the K-wire to conform to the native bone so that the slotted washer is flush to the native bone;
pushing the bent K-wire back into the bone;
selecting a location to secure the K-wire to the native bone;
cutting off an excess length of the K-wire;
placing the slotted washer over the cut K-wire; and
inserting a screw through the first screw hole and the second screw hole to secure the slotted washer and the K-wire to the native bone.