US 12,120,760 B2
Multi-link device (MLD) setup and multi-link operation (MLO)
Liwen Chu, San Ramon, CA (US); Young Hoon Kwon, Laguna Niguel, CA (US); and Hongyuan Zhang, Fremont, CA (US)
Assigned to NXP USA, Inc., Austin, TX (US)
Filed by NXP USA, Inc., Austin, TX (US)
Filed on Oct. 23, 2021, as Appl. No. 17/452,061.
Claims priority of provisional application 63/104,711, filed on Oct. 23, 2020.
Prior Publication US 2022/0132608 A1, Apr. 28, 2022
Int. Cl. H04L 1/00 (2006.01); H04B 7/08 (2006.01); H04W 76/15 (2018.01); H04W 84/12 (2009.01)
CPC H04W 76/15 (2018.02) [H04W 84/12 (2013.01)] 11 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A first multi-link device (MLD) within a wireless local area network (WLAN), comprising:
a controller configured to transmit a request frame to a second MLD;
wherein the second MLD includes an established set of links with a third MLD;
wherein the request frame from the first MLD includes a set of multi-link information elements (ML IEs) that request a set of information elements to be reported on at least one of the second MLD's established links with the third MLD;
wherein the set of information elements is less than a complete set of information elements for the at least one of the links with the third MLD; and
wherein in a response frame the second MLD reports on the requested set of information elements;
wherein the ML IEs include a set of common IEs, wherein the set of common IEs includes a multi-link control IE, and wherein the multi-link control IE includes an MLSR multi-link single-radio) indication subelement, an ESRMR (enhanced single-radio multi-radio) indication subelement, an ESRMR MCS (Modulation and Coding Scheme) Nss number of spatial streams) Present subelement, a low latency support subelement, a low latency link ID (identifier) subelement, and a ML maximal MPDU (MAC Protocol Data Unit) length subelement.