US 12,117,707 B2
Display device and method for manufacturing display device
Yohsuke Kanzaki, Sakai (JP); Takao Saitoh, Sakai (JP); Masahiko Miwa, Sakai (JP); Masaki Yamanaka, Sakai (JP); and Yi Sun, Sakai (JP)
Appl. No. 17/917,062
Filed by Sharp Kabushiki Kaisha, Sakai (JP)
PCT Filed Apr. 20, 2020, PCT No. PCT/JP2020/017048
§ 371(c)(1), (2) Date Oct. 5, 2022,
PCT Pub. No. WO2021/214829, PCT Pub. Date Oct. 28, 2021.
Prior Publication US 2023/0152647 A1, May 18, 2023
Int. Cl. G02F 1/1368 (2006.01); H10K 59/12 (2023.01); H10K 59/121 (2023.01)
CPC G02F 1/1368 (2013.01) [H10K 59/1201 (2023.02); H10K 59/1213 (2023.02)] 4 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A display device comprising:
a display region including a thin-film transistor;
a frame region surrounding the display region;
a terminal section provided in the frame region;
a resin layer provided above a base;
an inorganic insulating layer provided on the resin layer and including openings;
conductive patterns provided on the inorganic insulating layer in locations except for locations over the openings; and
a bending portion provided between the display region and the terminal section and provided with the resin layer, the inorganic insulating layer, and a plurality of the conductive patterns,
wherein the conductive patterns electrically connect the terminal section and the thin-film transistor together; and
a plurality of the openings is provided at intervals between the plurality of the conductive patterns along an extending direction of the conductive patterns.