US 12,117,293 B2
Micromechanical gyroscope and electronic device
Zhao Ma, Shenzhen (CN); Zhan Zhan, Shenzhen (CN); Shan Yang, Shenzhen (CN); Xiao Kan, Shenzhen (CN); Shitao Yan, Shenzhen (CN); Hongtao Peng, Shenzhen (CN); Yang Li, Shenzhen (CN); Kahkeen Lai, Singapore (SG); Veronica Tan, Singapore (SG); and Yan Hong, Shenzhen (CN)
Assigned to AAC Kaitai Technologies (Wuhan) CO., LTD, Wuhan (CN)
Filed by AAC Kaitai Technologies (Wuhan) CO., LTD, China (CN)
Filed on Aug. 3, 2022, as Appl. No. 17/879,816.
Claims priority of application No. 202210159812.5 (CN), filed on Feb. 22, 2022.
Prior Publication US 2023/0266122 A1, Aug. 24, 2023
Int. Cl. G01C 19/5712 (2012.01)
CPC G01C 19/5712 (2013.01) 20 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A micromechanical gyroscope, comprising:
a first movement member, the first movement member having a first center, with two ends of the first movement member along a second direction being able to oscillate around the first center along a first direction and a third direction;
a second movement member, the second movement member having a second center, with two ends of the second movement member along the first direction being able to oscillate around the second center in the second direction and the third direction;
a plurality of drive members, being able to drive the first movement member to oscillate along the first direction and the second movement member to oscillate along the second direction; and
a detection member, the detection member being located above or below the first movement member and the second movement member along the third direction, the detection member being configured to detect a distance the first movement member and the second movement member moving along the third direction;
wherein, the first direction is perpendicular to and coplanar with the second direction, and the third direction is perpendicular to the first direction and the second direction.