US 12,116,881 B2
Downhole tool with passive barrier
Jeffrey Johnston, Houston, TX (US); Justin Scruggs, Houston, TX (US); William Amend, Yorba Linda, CA (US); Daniel Hoyer, Rapid City, SD (US); William Kovacs, III, Dublin, OH (US); Fei Tang, Katy, TX (US); and Chris Taylor, Westerville, OH (US)
Filed by SPARTAN DOWNHOLE, LLC, Houston, TX (US)
Filed on Sep. 10, 2022, as Appl. No. 17/942,129.
Claims priority of provisional application 63/243,468, filed on Sep. 13, 2021.
Prior Publication US 2023/0083743 A1, Mar. 16, 2023
Int. Cl. E21B 47/017 (2012.01)
CPC E21B 47/017 (2020.05) 24 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A passive thermal barrier for use in a downhole tool comprising:
a multi-layered labyrinthine shell structure having a plurality of layers comprising an external layer and at least one internal layer;
a plurality of centralizers, polarly phased and longitudinally spaced, between each layer of the multi-layered labyrinthine shell structure; and
a plurality of point contacts polarly phased and longitudinally spaced on the external layer of the labyrinthine shell structure, radially equidistant to the central axis and comprising a material or materials having a low thermal conductivity;
wherein the plurality of centralizers between each layer of the multi-layered labyrinthine shell structure are radially equidistant to a central axis and comprise a material or materials having a low thermal conductivity, and
wherein said multi-layered labyrinthine shell structure is configured to reduce heat ingress from the external layer to the hollow core.