US 12,116,500 B2
Thermal barrier coatings containing aluminosilicate particles
Michael John Andrie, McFarland, WI (US); Lloyd Kamo, Columbus, IN (US); and Alexander Kamo, Indianapolis, IN (US)
Assigned to Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, Madison, WI (US); and Adiabatics, Inc., Columbus, IN (US)
Filed by Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, Madison, WI (US); and Adiabatics, Inc., Columbus, IN (US)
Filed on Jul. 16, 2018, as Appl. No. 16/036,364.
Prior Publication US 2020/0017714 A1, Jan. 16, 2020
Int. Cl. C09D 183/14 (2006.01); C09D 1/00 (2006.01)
CPC C09D 183/14 (2013.01) [C09D 1/00 (2013.01)] 6 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A thermal barrier coating comprising aluminosilicate microparticles dispersed in an organic polysilazane binder, wherein organic polysilazanes are the only binders present in the coating.