US D1,000,122 S
Head for electric toothbrush
Devran Albay, Frankfurt (DE); Moritz Carlo Honisch, Frankfurt (DE); Dominik Langhammer, Frankfurt (DE); Niclas Altmann, Schöneck (DE); Siegfried Bauernfeind, Frankfurt am Main (DE); Bianka Becker-Salzsäuler, Kronberg (DE); and Ulrich Störkel, Bad Nauheim (DE)
Assigned to Braun GmbH, Kronberg (DE)
Filed by The Procter & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, OH (US)
Filed on Nov. 13, 2020, as Appl. No. 29/758,268.
Application 29/758,268 is a continuation of application No. 29/646,252, filed on May 2, 2018, granted, now D933368.
Term of patent 15 Years
LOC (14) Cl. 28 - 03
U.S. Cl. D 4—101
OG exemplary drawing
The ornamental design for a head for electric toothbrush, as shown and described.