US 12,075,714 B2
Random number generation based on threshold voltage randomness
Innocenzo Tortorelli, Cernusco Sul Naviglio (IT); Matteo Impalà, Milan (IT); and Cécile Colette Solange Nail, Meylan (FR)
Assigned to Micron Technology, Inc., Boise, ID (US)
Filed by Micron Technology, Inc., Boise, ID (US)
Filed on Aug. 9, 2022, as Appl. No. 17/818,617.
Prior Publication US 2024/0057489 A1, Feb. 15, 2024
Int. Cl. H10N 70/00 (2023.01); G11C 13/00 (2006.01)
CPC H10N 70/882 (2023.02) [G11C 13/003 (2013.01); H10N 70/826 (2023.02)] 25 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method, comprising:
applying a voltage to a chalcogenide element of a memory system;
increasing the applied voltage at least until the applied voltage satisfies a threshold voltage associated with the chalcogenide element;
detecting a time at which the applied voltage satisfies the threshold voltage associated with the chalcogenide element;
detecting a state of an oscillating signal as of the time at which the applied voltage satisfies the threshold voltage; and
outputting a logic value based at least in part on the state of the oscillating signal as of the time at which the applied voltage satisfies the threshold voltage.