US 12,074,698 B2
NR CSI measurement and CSI reporting
Teemu Tapio Virtanen, Oulu (FI); Weidong Yang, San Jose, CA (US); Karl Marko Juhani Lampinen, Oulu (FI); and Lung-Sheng Tsai, Hsinchu (TW)
Assigned to MEDIATEK INC., Hsin-Chu (TW)
Filed by Mediatek Inc., Hsin-Chu (TW)
Filed on May 20, 2021, as Appl. No. 17/325,480.
Application 17/325,480 is a division of application No. 16/407,407, filed on May 9, 2019, granted, now 11,121,803.
Claims priority of provisional application 62/670,427, filed on May 11, 2018.
Prior Publication US 2021/0273743 A1, Sep. 2, 2021
Int. Cl. H04L 1/00 (2006.01); H04L 5/00 (2006.01); H04W 24/10 (2009.01); H04W 72/0446 (2023.01); H04W 76/28 (2018.01)
CPC H04L 1/0026 (2013.01) [H04L 5/0051 (2013.01); H04L 5/0094 (2013.01); H04W 24/10 (2013.01); H04W 72/0446 (2013.01); H04W 76/28 (2018.02)] 12 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method of wireless communication of a user equipment (UE), comprising:
switching from a first communication state to a second communication state;
determining a first uplink slot on an uplink band for reporting a channel state information report in the second communication state;
when the UE received one or more reference signals prior to the switching, determining that the UE has not received one or more reference signals in a valid downlink slot that is subsequent to the switching and that is no later than N downlink slots prior to the first uplink slot, wherein Nis a positive integer; and
in response to the determination, dropping reporting the channel state information report in the first uplink slot.