US 12,074,390 B2
Parallel resonance antenna for radial plasma control
Chelsea DuBose, Austin, TX (US); Barton Lane, Austin, TX (US); Merritt Funk, Austin, TX (US); and Justin Moses, Austin, TX (US)
Assigned to Tokyo Electron Limited, Tokyo (JP)
Filed by Tokyo Electron Limited, Tokyo (JP)
Filed on Nov. 11, 2022, as Appl. No. 17/985,360.
Prior Publication US 2024/0162619 A1, May 16, 2024
Int. Cl. H01Q 9/27 (2006.01); H01Q 5/25 (2015.01)
CPC H01Q 9/27 (2013.01) [H01Q 5/25 (2015.01)] 22 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A radiating structure of a resonating structure used for plasma processing, the radiating structure comprising:
a set of first arms, each first arm having a first inductance and coupled to a respective first capacitor and a respective second capacitor of the resonating structure to form a corresponding first resonant circuit operating at a first resonance frequency; and
a set of second arms, each second arm having a second inductance and coupled to a respective third capacitor and a respective fourth capacitor of the resonating structure to form a corresponding second resonant circuit operating at a second resonance frequency, wherein in a first mode of operation, the resonating structure operates as a single resonance antenna, and wherein in a second mode of operation, the resonating structure operates as a parallel resonance antenna.