US 12,074,038 B2
Method of manufacturing passivation film
Yosuke Tanimoto, Tokyo (JP)
Assigned to Resonac Corporation, Tokyo (JP)
Appl. No. 17/612,783
Filed by SHOWA DENKO K.K., Tokyo (JP)
PCT Filed Nov. 24, 2020, PCT No. PCT/JP2020/043674
§ 371(c)(1), (2) Date Nov. 19, 2021,
PCT Pub. No. WO2021/124810, PCT Pub. Date Jun. 24, 2021.
Claims priority of application No. 2019-227381 (JP), filed on Dec. 17, 2019.
Prior Publication US 2022/0246447 A1, Aug. 4, 2022
Int. Cl. H01L 21/56 (2006.01); C23C 8/28 (2006.01)
CPC H01L 21/568 (2013.01) [C23C 8/28 (2013.01)] 11 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method of manufacturing a passivation film, the method comprising
a passivation process in which a substrate on the surface of which at least one of germanium and molybdenum is contained is treated with a passivation gas containing an oxygen-containing compound, which is a compound containing an oxygen atom in a molecule, and hydrogen sulfide to form a passivation film containing a sulfur atom on the surface of the substrate, wherein
concentration of the oxygen-containing compound in the passivation gas is from 0.001 mole ppm to less than 75 mole ppm.