US 12,074,026 B2
Integrated photoresist removal and laser annealing
Tz-Shian Chen, Hsinchu (TW); Li-Ting Wang, Hsinchu (TW); and Yee-Chia Yeo, Hsinchu (TW)
Assigned to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hsinchu (TW)
Filed by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hsinchu (TW)
Filed on May 19, 2022, as Appl. No. 17/749,038.
Prior Publication US 2023/0377884 A1, Nov. 23, 2023
Int. Cl. H01L 21/027 (2006.01)
CPC H01L 21/0272 (2013.01) [H01L 21/0275 (2013.01)] 20 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method of forming a semiconductor device, comprising:
forming at least one layer over a substrate;
forming a layer of light-sensitive material over the at least one layer;
removing a portion of the layer of light-sensitive material;
exposing remaining portions of the layer of light-sensitive material to a polarized electromagnetic radiation; and
directing a polarized electromagnetic radiation to a feature on the substrate, the polarized electromagnetic radiation to which the remaining portions of the layer of light-sensitive material is exposed being polarized in a direction different from a direction the polarized electromagnetic radiation directed to a feature on the substrate is polarized.