US 12,073,972 B2
Common mode filter
Kosuke Kunitsuka, Tokyo (JP); Keigo Higashida, Tokyo (JP); Emi Ito, Yamagata (JP); Daisuke Urabe, Tokyo (JP); and Yugo Asai, Tokyo (JP)
Assigned to TDK CORPORATION, Tokyo (JP)
Filed by TDK Corporation, Tokyo (JP)
Filed on Jun. 8, 2021, as Appl. No. 17/342,080.
Claims priority of application No. 2020-103914 (JP), filed on Jun. 16, 2020.
Prior Publication US 2021/0391109 A1, Dec. 16, 2021
Int. Cl. H01F 17/04 (2006.01); H01F 17/00 (2006.01); H01F 27/28 (2006.01); H01F 27/29 (2006.01); H01F 27/30 (2006.01)
CPC H01F 17/045 (2013.01) [H01F 27/2828 (2013.01); H01F 27/292 (2013.01); H01F 27/306 (2013.01); H01F 2017/0093 (2013.01)] 16 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A common mode filter comprising:
a core having a winding core part, a first flange part provided at one axial end of the winding core part, and a second flange part provided at other axial end of the winding core part;
first and second wires wound in a same direction around the winding core part;
first and second terminal electrodes provided on the first flange part and connected respectively with one ends of the first and second wires; and
third and fourth terminal electrodes provided on the second flange part and connected respectively with other ends of the first and second wires,
wherein the first and second wires have:
a first layer winding portion in which first and second turns thereof counted respectively from the one ends are at least partially wound by layer winding in an aligned state;
a second layer winding portion in which first and second turns thereof counted respectively from the other ends are at least partially wound by layer winding in an aligned state;
a third layer winding portion in which at least parts of the first and second wires between a third turns thereof counted respectively from the one ends and a third turns thereof counted respectively from the other ends are wound by layer winding in an aligned state;
a first crossing portion positioned between the first and third layer winding portions, at which the first and second wires cross each other; and
a second crossing portion positioned between the second and third layer winding portions, at which the first and second wires cross each other,
wherein vertical positions of the first and second wires are reversed at least partially between the first and third layer winding portions, and
wherein vertical positions of the first and second wires are reversed at least partially between the second and third layer winding portions.