US 12,072,754 B2
Method and apparatus for managing a controller in a power down state
Alexander J. Branover, Boxborough, MA (US); Christopher T. Weaver, Boxborough, MA (US); Indrani Paul, Austin, TX (US); Benjamin Tsien, Santa Clara, CA (US); Mihir Shaileshbhai Doctor, Santa Clara, CA (US); Stephen V. Kosonocky, Fort Collins, CO (US); John P. Petry, San Diego, CA (US); and Thomas J. Gibney, Boxborough, MA (US)
Assigned to Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Santa Clara, CA (US)
Filed by Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Santa Clara, CA (US)
Filed on Sep. 24, 2021, as Appl. No. 17/485,199.
Prior Publication US 2023/0099399 A1, Mar. 30, 2023
Int. Cl. G06F 1/00 (2006.01); G06F 1/3296 (2019.01)
CPC G06F 1/3296 (2013.01) 20 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method for managing power consumption in a computer system, comprising:
transmitting, by a processor of a first device, a first signal to a controller of a second device, wherein the first signal indicates a request for second device to enter a second power state from a first power state;
receiving, by the processor of the first device, a confirmation from the controller of the second device in response to the first signal;
transmitting, by the processor of the first device, a second signal to the controller of the second device to enter the second power state in response to the confirmation;
entering, by the processor of the first device, the first device into a sleep mode;
waking, by the processor of the first device, a portion of the first device from the sleep mode in response to receiving a wake event; and
transmitting, by the processor of the first device, a wakeup signal to the controller of the second device in response to receiving the wake event and after queuing a plurality of events, wherein the wakeup signal causes the second device to transition from the second power state to the first power state.