US 12,070,431 B2
Patient turner-puller and attachments
Mammen Thomas, Seattle, WA (US); Sarah Peter, Los Angeles, CA (US); and Elizabeth Thomas, Seattle, WA (US)
Filed by Mammen Thomas, Seattle, WA (US); Sarah Peter, Los Angeles, CA (US); and Elizabeth Thomas, Seattle, WA (US)
Filed on May 1, 2023, as Appl. No. 18/141,951.
Application 18/141,951 is a continuation of application No. 17/984,000, filed on Nov. 9, 2022, granted, now 11,883,341.
Application 17/984,000 is a continuation of application No. 17/017,577, filed on Sep. 10, 2020, granted, now 11,529,277, issued on Dec. 20, 2022.
Prior Publication US 2023/0263680 A1, Aug. 24, 2023
This patent is subject to a terminal disclaimer.
Int. Cl. A61G 7/10 (2006.01)
CPC A61G 7/1057 (2013.01) [A61G 7/1015 (2013.01); A61G 7/1023 (2013.01); A61G 7/1026 (2013.01); A61G 2200/32 (2013.01); A61G 2203/10 (2013.01)] 13 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A system for pulling up a patient up towards a head-side on a bed, the system comprising:
a sheet configured to receive a patient lying thereon, with a patient's head configured to rest at the head-side of the bed and a patient's feet configured to rest at a foot-side of the bed;
the sheet on which the patient is lying is a slide-sheet having an underside which is made slidable to reduce friction;
the slide-sheet comprising a plurality of loops at least on a head-side of the slide-sheet corresponding to the head-side of the bed;
a mechanized setup comprising a motor system within an enclosure with switch connections, gears, and at least a coupler to couple the motor system to a pull-tube or pull-rod;
the motor system attached parallel to the head-side of the bed, the motor system attached to a wall, ceiling, or bedframe, with the pull-tube or pull-rod parallel to the head-side of the bed;
at least a couple of pull-straps;
the at least the couple of pull-straps each having a first end attached to one of the plurality of loops on the head-side of the slide-sheet and a second end of the at least the couple of pull-straps attached to the pull-tube or pull-rod to apply a pull force on the head-side of the slide-sheet on the bed with the patient lying on the slide-sheet;
wherein the first end of the at least the couple of pull-straps attached to the at least the couple of the plurality of loops are attached to loops spaced equally from the center of the head-side of the slide-sheet;
wherein the head-side of the bed and slide-sheet is the side of the bed and slide-sheet where the patient's head rests on the bed and slide-sheet, and is opposite and away from the side of the bed and slide-sheet where the patient's feet rest; and
wherein when the pull-tube or pull-rod rolls, the pull-tube or pull-rod rolls up the at least the couple of pull-straps and is configured to pull up the patient horizontally up on the bed towards the head-side of the bed without manual effort; and
wherein the switch connections comprise connection to a pull-release switch and to a safety press-on switch, wherein the pull-release switch has to be set to the pull or release position and the safety switch has to be held pressed for the motor to operate, thereby providing an additional safety to the patient during operation of the system.