US D1,039,499 S
Battery performance maintenance device
Daryl C. Brockman, Shorewood, WI (US); Timothy Corcoran Repp, Barkhamsted, CT (US); Gerald Jay Demirjian, Auburn, NH (US); Benjamin Craig Shaffer, Bedford, NH (US); Brian D'Amelio, Auburn, NH (US); and Ximing He, Boston, MA (US)
Assigned to CPS Technology Holdings LLC, New York, NY (US)
Filed by CPS Technology Holdings LLC, New York, NY (US)
Filed on Oct. 31, 2022, as Appl. No. 29/858,388.
Term of patent 15 Years
LOC (14) Cl. 13 - 02
U.S. Cl. D13—119
OG exemplary drawing
The ornamental design for a battery performance maintenance device, as shown.