US 12,069,468 B2
Room calibration based on gaussian distribution and k-nearest neighbors algorithm
Jianwen Zheng, Guangdong (CN); and Shao-Fu Shih, San Jose, CA (US)
Assigned to Harman International Industries, Incorporated, Stamford, CT (US)
Appl. No. 17/640,554
PCT Filed Sep. 20, 2019, PCT No. PCT/CN2019/106905
§ 371(c)(1), (2) Date Mar. 4, 2022,
PCT Pub. No. WO2021/051377, PCT Pub. Date Mar. 25, 2021.
Prior Publication US 2022/0360927 A1, Nov. 10, 2022
Int. Cl. H04S 7/00 (2006.01)
CPC H04S 7/301 (2013.01) 17 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method for room calibration, comprising:
measuring a plurality of impulse responses at a plurality of measurement points in a room for each speaker of a plurality of speakers,
determining a plurality of transfer functions at the plurality of measurement points for each speaker based on the plurality of impulse responses; and
weighting and summing the plurality of transfer functions to obtain a weighted and summed sound curve for each speaker,
wherein the plurality of impulse responses for each speaker of a plurality of speakers are measured by one or more external microphones.