US 12,069,320 B1
Systems and methods for managing sharing of a video in a collaboration session
Magnus Danielson, Sollentuna (SE); and Andreas Björkman, Täby (SE)
Assigned to LiveArena Technologies AB, Stockholm (SE)
Filed on Jan. 29, 2024, as Appl. No. 18/424,972.
Claims priority of application No. 2350439-2 (SE), filed on Apr. 14, 2023.
Int. Cl. H04N 21/234 (2011.01)
CPC H04N 21/23406 (2013.01) 5 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method, performed by a system, for managing sharing of a video in a collaboration session, in which at least two client devices are participating, wherein the system comprises the two client devices and a central server capable of hosting the collaboration session, wherein a video file, representing the video and being stored in a storage function, is accessible by the central server, wherein the video is to be shared as a shared video stream with a desired resolution and a desired frame rate, wherein the method comprises:
receiving, by the central server, a request for sharing of the video in the collaboration session,
obtaining, by the central server, a synchronization time stamp of an audio frame, relating to the collaboration session, to be used for synchronizing the shared video stream with the collaboration session,
determining, by the central server and based on a video frame rate difference between the desired frame rate and a source frame rate of the video file, whether more, less or same number of video frames as in the video file are needed in the shared video stream,
setting up, by the central server, a buffer for provision of the shared video stream to the collaboration session, wherein the buffer is capable of buffering at the most a limited number of video frames that corresponds to a time interval of less than one second,
iteratively retrieving, by the central server, video frame by video frame of the video file, and
for each video frame, the method comprises:
generating, by the central server, zero, one or more video frames according to the determination step based on said each iteratively retrieved video frame, while setting a respective time stamp of said one or more generated video frames based on the synchronization time stamp, wherein said one or more generated frames have the desired resolution and the respective time stamp corresponds to the desired frame rate,
wherein the method comprises:
providing, by the central server and to the two client devices participating in the collaboration session, the shared video stream by inserting said one or more generated video frames into the buffer.