US 12,066,370 B2
Flow cell carrier device
Sandor Kovacs, Middletown, DE (US); Anson Hsu, San Diego, CA (US); David Baranson, Encinitas, CA (US); John Van Doorn, Fallbrook, CA (US); and Eli N. Glezer, Del Mar, CA (US)
Assigned to Singular Genomics Systems, Inc., San Diego. (CA)
Filed by Singular Genomics Systems, Inc., San Diego, CA (US)
Filed on Jul. 18, 2023, as Appl. No. 18/354,542.
Application 18/354,542 is a continuation of application No. 17/105,330, filed on Nov. 25, 2020, granted, now 11,747,262.
Claims priority of provisional application 62/952,787, filed on Dec. 23, 2019.
Prior Publication US 2023/0384203 A1, Nov. 30, 2023
This patent is subject to a terminal disclaimer.
Int. Cl. G01N 15/1404 (2024.01); G01N 15/01 (2024.01); G01N 15/14 (2024.01)
CPC G01N 15/1404 (2013.01) [G01N 15/147 (2013.01); G01N 2015/014 (2024.01); G01N 2015/1402 (2013.01); G01N 2015/1497 (2013.01)] 18 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A device comprising:
a reaction vessel comprising two or more channels; and
a frame, the frame comprising:
a handle;
a magnet wherein the magnet is at least one ferromagnetic pin;
wherein the frame is configured to retain the reaction vessel.