US 12,066,349 B2
Shaped article and method for producing a shaped article
Srdan Vasic, Stetten Ag (CH); and Rafael Schmitt, Stetten (CH)
Assigned to Exentis Knowledge GmbH, Stetten Ag (CH)
Appl. No. 17/416,393
Filed by Exentis Knowledge GmbH, Stetten Ag (CH)
PCT Filed Dec. 17, 2019, PCT No. PCT/EP2019/085801
§ 371(c)(1), (2) Date Jun. 18, 2021,
PCT Pub. No. WO2020/127387, PCT Pub. Date Jun. 25, 2020.
Claims priority of application No. 18215759 (EP), filed on Dec. 21, 2018.
Prior Publication US 2021/0389198 A1, Dec. 16, 2021
This patent is subject to a terminal disclaimer.
Int. Cl. G01L 9/00 (2006.01); B33Y 10/00 (2015.01); B33Y 80/00 (2015.01)
CPC G01L 9/0044 (2013.01) [G01L 9/0075 (2013.01); B33Y 10/00 (2014.12); B33Y 80/00 (2014.12)] 15 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A shaped body (10) for a pressure sensor, having a membrane (12) and having a supporting section (14) supporting the membrane (12), the membrane (12) and the supporting section (14) being produced at least in sections from a ceramic material by additive manufacturing, wherein the membrane (12) and the supporting section (14) are produced in one piece to form a monolithic body free of a subsequent connection of the membrane (12) to the supporting section, and wherein the greatest possible distance between two points lying on the outer circumference of the membrane (12) is less than 20 mm.