US 12,035,794 B2
Apparatus and method for forming a multilayer cosmetic product by means of a flexible core
Sven Droste, Peibenberg (DE); Ann-Kristin Commes, Weilheim (DE); Markus Hell, Eglfing (DE); and Fabian Rankl, Kinsau (DE)
Assigned to Weckerle GmbH, Weilheim (DE)
Filed by WECKERLE GMBH, Weilheim (DE)
Filed on Oct. 18, 2021, as Appl. No. 17/503,974.
Claims priority of application No. 20202941 (EP), filed on Oct. 21, 2020.
Prior Publication US 2022/0117376 A1, Apr. 21, 2022
Int. Cl. A45D 40/16 (2006.01)
CPC A45D 40/16 (2013.01) 12 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. An apparatus (1) for forming a cosmetic product, consisting of at least two pasty masses (a, b), the apparatus (1) comprising:
a flexible mold (2);
a flexible core (3) adapted to be moved into the flexible mold (2) and to be arranged in a first position at least partially inside the flexible mold (2) for forming a first pasty mass (a) and in a second position outside the flexible mold (2) for forming a second pasty mass (b), wherein the flexible mold (2) is hollow; and
a rigid mandrel (7) adapted to be moved at least partially into the flexible core (3).