US 12,031,923 B2
Microwave moisture content sensor and method for deriving linear regression correlation between moisture content of object and signal measured by moisture content sensor
Wei-Chen Cheng, Taipei (TW); Jwo-Shiun Sun, Taipei (TW); Guan-Yu Chen, Taipei (TW); Bing-Chen Lu, Taipei (TW); and Chu-Hsien Cheng, Taipei (TW)
Assigned to FineTek Co., Ltd., New Taipei (TW); and National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei (TW)
Filed by FineTek Co., Ltd., New Taipei (TW); and National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei (TW)
Filed on Dec. 8, 2021, as Appl. No. 17/546,016.
Claims priority of application No. 110138882 (TW), filed on Oct. 20, 2021.
Prior Publication US 2023/0119519 A1, Apr. 20, 2023
Int. Cl. G01N 22/04 (2006.01)
CPC G01N 22/04 (2013.01) 10 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A volute-shaped microwave coupling moisture content sensor, comprising:
a bottom wall;
an inner shaft member spaced from the bottom wall by a distance and having a center;
an outer annular member disposed on the bottom wall and surrounding the inner shaft;
a connecting member connected to the inner shaft member at a first position and to the outer annular member at a second position, wherein the first position is spaced from the second position by an angular distance of 90 degree;
a microwave feeding member disposed at the center of the inner shaft member; and
an insulating plate disposed on an axial end surface of the outer annular member and covering the inner shaft member and the connecting member, wherein the bottom wall, the outer annular member, the inner shaft member, and the insulating plate constitute a microwave resonator.