Welcome to the Electronic Official Gazette for Patents (eOG:P).
Links are provided to the full text of the patent in the USPTO Full-Text Database from each patent bibliographic record. Click on the Full Text button in the upper left corner of the patent record to jump to the full text.
- The Electronic Official Gazette allows you to browse through the issued patents for the week. The eOG:P can be browsed by classification or type of patent, for example, utility, design, and plant. Specific patents can be accessed by classification or patentee name.
- Links are provided on the left to the various sections of the eOG:P. Click on the section title to use these pages:
- Browse by CPC or USPC page to access patents by a specific classification: for Utility documents, Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) “Subclass” (consisting of alphabetic section, two-digit class, and alphabetic subclass) and “Subgroup” (consisting of numeric main group and numeric subgroup); or for Design and Plant documents, U.S. Patent Classification (USPC) Class and Subclass.
- Classification of Patents page is a table of CPC classes (A01, A21, etc.) with links to Utility documents and of USPC class ranges with links to Design and Plant documents, plus a link to a listing of Class Designations and Descriptions.
NOTE: A class will appear on the Classification of Patents page only if patents have issued in that class in the selected week.
- Browse Granted Patents page to access a patent by patent number or link to patents by type.
- Index of Patentees page to browse by names of inventors and assignees in either a cumulative alphabetical index or individual indexes by type of patent. Each patentee listing contains a link to the patent.
- Geographical Index of Inventors to link to patents by the state or country of residence of the first listed inventor.
- Notices page containing the text of important notices for the week.
- Help.
- The left window is considered “Home.” Clicking the “Home” button from any other page will return you to this main listing.