US 12,012,587 B2
Bacterial oil treatment composition for handling a decommissioned oil cable
Davide Staedler, Comano (CH); Thibaud Spinetti, Lausanne (CH); and Marco Torriani, Breganzona (CH)
Assigned to TIBIO SAGL, Comano (CH)
Appl. No. 17/639,161
Filed by TIBIO SAGL, Comano (CH)
PCT Filed Jul. 29, 2020, PCT No. PCT/EP2020/071347
§ 371(c)(1), (2) Date Feb. 28, 2022,
PCT Pub. No. WO2021/037465, PCT Pub. Date Mar. 4, 2021.
Claims priority of application No. 19193792 (EP), filed on Aug. 27, 2019.
Prior Publication US 2022/0315884 A1, Oct. 6, 2022
Int. Cl. C12N 1/20 (2006.01); A62D 3/02 (2007.01); C12N 1/16 (2006.01); C12P 1/04 (2006.01); C12R 1/10 (2006.01); C12R 1/125 (2006.01); C12R 1/39 (2006.01)
CPC C12N 1/20 (2013.01) [A62D 3/02 (2013.01); C12N 1/165 (2021.05); C12P 1/04 (2013.01); C12R 2001/10 (2021.05); C12R 2001/125 (2021.05); C12R 2001/39 (2021.05)] 7 Claims
1. A liquid for the biodegradation of dielectric oil in a decommissioned oil cable and/or for the production of bio-surfactants in a decommissioned oil cable, the liquid comprising:
bacterial community consisting of, with respect to percent (%) total bacteria in the bacterial community, 20% of Pseudomonas fluorescens, 40% of Bacillus subtilis, 30% of Bacillus licheniformis and 10% of Rhodococcus rhodochrous; and
a bacterial growth culture medium comprising:
standard salts selected from the group consisting of NH4Cl, NH4NO3, K2HPO4, KH2PO4, Na2HPO4, MgSO4*7H2O, FeSO4*7H2O and NaNO;
an organic started mix comprising yeast extract, malt extract, cane molasses and methyl-β-cyclodextrin;
a mix of branched-chain essential amino-acids and nitrogen fertilizers, wherein:
the branched-chain essential amino-acids comprise Na Leucine, Na Valine, Na Isoleucine and Na Glutamate at a ratio of 1:1:1:1, and
the nitrogen fertilizers comprise urea, uric acid and water soluble lecithin at a ratio of 2:1:1, wherein said liquid removes the dielectric contained in said decommissioned oil cable.