US D1,029,703 S
Vehicle grille
Steven Powell, Beaverton, OR (US); Jeffrey Cotner, Portland, OR (US); Mauricio Cavalheiro, Portland, OR (US); Austin Cox, Portland, OR (US); Rafael Dos Santos, Portland, OR (US); Curtis Parker, Portland, OR (US); Michael Woodruff, Lake Oswego, OR (US); Daniel Kunzelmann, Portland, OR (US); Jackson Slocum, Portland, OR (US); Dinesh Madugundi, Beaverton, OR (US); and Paolo Zanetti, Portland, OR (US)
Assigned to Daimler Truck North America LLC, Portland, OR (US)
Filed by Daimler Truck North America LLC, Portland, OR (US)
Filed on Feb. 28, 2022, as Appl. No. 29/828,711.
Term of patent 15 Years
LOC (14) Cl. 12 - 16
U.S. Cl. D12—163
OG exemplary drawing
The ornamental design for a vehicle grille, as shown and described.