US D1,027,947 S
Password management device
Peter Thomas, Cardiff (GB)
Filed by Peter Thomas, Cardiff (GB)
Filed on Sep. 30, 2021, as Appl. No. 35/513,909.
Claims priority of application No. 6127965 (GB), filed on Apr. 1, 2021; application No. 6127966 (GB), filed on Apr. 1, 2021; and application No. 6127967 (GB), filed on Apr. 1, 2021.
Int. Filing Date Sep. 30, 2021
Int. Reg. No. DM/216660
Int. Reg. Date Sep. 30, 2021
Int. Reg. Pub. Date Apr. 1, 2022
Term of patent 15 Years
LOC (14) Cl. 14 - 02
U.S. Cl. D14—383
OG exemplary drawing
The ornamental design for the password management devices, as shown and described.