US 11,990,648 B2
Electrochemical cell activated with a liquid electrolyte wetting the electrode assembly through a channel system in the casing lid
Daniel M. Baumer, Middleport, NY (US); Joshua C. Ulrich, East Aurora, NY (US); Marcus J. Palazzo, Wheatfield, NY (US); David Wutz, Williamsville, NY (US); and David Dianetti, Lancaster, NY (US)
Assigned to Greatbatch Ltd., Clarence, NY (US)
Filed by Greatbatch Ltd., Clarence, NY (US)
Filed on Jun. 25, 2021, as Appl. No. 17/358,076.
Claims priority of provisional application 63/050,311, filed on Jul. 10, 2020.
Prior Publication US 2022/0013876 A1, Jan. 13, 2022
Int. Cl. H01M 50/636 (2021.01); H01M 6/14 (2006.01); H01M 50/153 (2021.01)
CPC H01M 50/636 (2021.01) [H01M 6/14 (2013.01); H01M 50/153 (2021.01)] 21 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. An electrochemical cell, comprising:
a) a casing, comprising:
i) a metallic annular sidewall extending to an upper annular edge defining an upper open end spaced from a lower annular edge defining a lower open end, the metallic annular sidewall having an inner surface;
ii) a metallic lid closing the upper open end of the annuylar sideawall, wherein the metallic lid extends from a lid outer surface to a lid inner surface;
iii) a current collector having an outer peripheral edge extending to a current spaced collector first side spaced from a current collector second side, wherein the current collector first side contacts the inner surface of the metallic lid;
iv) a metallic lower plate;
v) a dielectric material coating the lower annular edge and at least a portion of the inner surface of the metallic annular sidewall;
vi) a ring-shaped sealing glass hermetically contacted to the metallic lower plate and hermetically contacted to the dielectric material coating the lower annular edge of the metallic annular sidewall; and
vii) a hermetically sealed electrolyte fill port extending to the lid outer and inner surfaces; and
b) an electrode assembly housed inside the casing, the electrode assembly comprising:
i) an anode active material comprising an anode outer annular edge extending to an anode active material upperface spaced from an anode active material lower face;
ii) a cathode active material comprising a cathode outer annular edge extending to a cathode active material upper face spaced from a cathode active material lower face; and
iii) a separator segregating the anode active material from directed physical contact with the cathode active material; and
c) an activating electrolyte contacting the electrode assembly,
d) wherein the electrolyte fill port is spaced above and axially aligned with the first side of the current collector contacting the inner surface of the metallic lid with the curreent collector second side contacting one of the anode active material upper face and the cathode active material upper face so that the metallic lid serves as one terminal for the cell, and
e) wherein the electrolyte fill port and the one of the anode and cathode active materials contacting the current collector are axially aligned with the other of the anode active material lower face and the cathode active material lower face contacting the metallic lower plate serving as the other terminal for the cell, and
f) wherein at least one electrolyte channel in the inner surface of the lid extends from the electrolyte fill port and radially outwardly beyond the outer peripheral edge of the current collector, outwardly beyond the outer annuylar edge of the one of the anode and cathode active materials contacting the current collector second side, and outwardly beyond the outer annular edge of the other of the anode and cathode active materials contacting the inner surface of the metallic lower plate.