US 11,988,496 B1
Strip width measurement with continuous hardware imperfection corrections of sensed edge positions
Todd Allen, Plain City, OH (US); Nick Hunkar, Plain City, OH (US); and John Bihn, Plain City, OH (US)
Assigned to Advanced Gauging Technologies, LLC, Plain City, OH (US)
Filed by Advanced Gauging Technologies, LLC, Plain City, OH (US)
Filed on Mar. 22, 2022, as Appl. No. 17/700,918.
Int. Cl. G01B 11/04 (2006.01); G06T 7/80 (2017.01)
CPC G01B 11/046 (2013.01) [G06T 7/80 (2017.01)] 2 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method for measuring the width of a strip or the widths of multiple strips being conveyed longitudinally through a sensing region using a laser point displacement sensor that traverses a point laser and an optical sensor along a line that is aligned to direct a laser beam from the point laser along a passline laterally of the strip or strips, the method comprising:
(a) positioning in the sensing region a correction bar that has a series of alternating lands and grooves that are machined in the correction bar and form a series of spaced, land edges having precisely known actual distance positions of the land edges from a reference position;
(b) sensing, across a sensing region, the land edge distance positions from the reference position to generate a data set of sensed correction bar distance positions;
(c) calculating with a digital processor, for each sensed correction bar edge distance position, the algebraic sum of each sensed correction bar distance position with its nearest corresponding actual distance position to generate a set of corrections, each correction being associated with a sensed correction bar distance position;
(d) calculating, from the set of corrections and associated correction bar distances and using a regression analysis, a mathematical function that expresses a correction as a dependent variable as a function of a sensed distance position as its independent variable, continuously across the sensing region;
(e) positioning the strip or strips in the sensing region;
(f) sensing the distance positions of the strip edges positioned across the sensing region;
(g) inserting in the mathematical function as a dependent variable each sensed strip edge distance position to generate a set of actual strip edge positions;
(h) calculating the actual width of the strip or strips from the differences between adjacent actual strip edge distance positions.