US D1,021,206 S
Lighting fixture
Ken Fulk, San Francisco, CA (US); Michael Amato, London (GB); David Dawson, Charleston, SC (US); Hope Johnson, Folley Beach, SC (US); Jonathan Charpia, Summerville, SC (US); Brianna Magagnoli, North Charleston, SC (US); and Janis Golubeckis, Mount Pleasant, SC (US)
Assigned to The Urban Electric Company, North Charleston, SC (US)
Filed by The Urban Electric Company, North Charleston, SC (US)
Filed on May 24, 2021, as Appl. No. 29/785,090.
Term of patent 15 Years
LOC (14) Cl. 26 - 05
U.S. Cl. D26—89  [D26/85]
OG exemplary drawing
The ornamental design for a lighting fixture, as shown and described.