US 11,945,814 B2
Salt form
Julian S. Northen, Sunderland (GB); John Mykytiuk, Sunderland (GB); and Gillian Moore, Sunderland (GB)
Assigned to CRT Pioneer Fund LP, Berkhamsted (GB)
Appl. No. 15/734,151
Filed by CRT Pioneer Fund LP, Berkhamsted (GB)
PCT Filed Jun. 6, 2019, PCT No. PCT/GB2019/051572
§ 371(c)(1), (2) Date Dec. 1, 2020,
PCT Pub. No. WO2019/234433, PCT Pub. Date Dec. 12, 2019.
Claims priority of application No. 1809458 (GB), filed on Jun. 8, 2018.
Prior Publication US 2021/0214351 A1, Jul. 15, 2021
Int. Cl. C07D 471/04 (2006.01)
CPC C07D 471/04 (2013.01) [C07B 2200/13 (2013.01)] 17 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A diphosphate salt of a compound of formula I

OG Complex Work Unit Chemistry
wherein the diphosphate salt is in crystalline Form A and is characterised by a powder XRD pattern comprising two or more peaks selected from 6.7±0.2 degrees two-theta, 7.1±0.2 degrees two-theta, 11.3±0.2 degrees two-theta, 12.3±0.2 degrees two-theta and 12.5±0.2 degrees two-theta.