US D1,015,369 S
Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface
Tuhin Diptiman, Plano, TX (US); Daniel Hall, Dallas, TX (US); Louie Solomon, Richardson, TX (US); Ben Cline, Salt Lake City, UT (US); and John Weston Pierce, Salt Lake City, UT (US)
Assigned to Toyota Motor North America, Inc., Plano, TX (US)
Filed by Toyota Motor North America, Inc., Plano, TX (US)
Filed on Apr. 20, 2023, as Appl. No. 29/890,151.
Application 29/890,151 is a division of application No. 29/760,900, filed on Dec. 4, 2020, granted, now D987655.
Term of patent 15 Years
LOC (14) Cl. 14 - 04
U.S. Cl. D14—486
OG exemplary drawing
The ornamental design for a display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface, as shown and described.