US D1,015,144 S
Food container base
Rick Bontrager, San Carlos, CA (US); Casper Chiang, San Carlos, CA (US); Jacob Patrick Flaherty, San Carlos, AZ (US); and Randall Strange, San Carlos, CA (US)
Assigned to Congruens Group, LLC, San Carlos, CA (US)
Filed by Congruens Group, LLC, San Carlos, CA (US)
Filed on Apr. 12, 2021, as Appl. No. 29/778,215.
Application 29/778,215 is a division of application No. 29/679,891, filed on Feb. 11, 2019, granted, now D918712.
Term of patent 15 Years
LOC (14) Cl. 09 - 03
U.S. Cl. D 9—427  [D9/428]
OG exemplary drawing
The ornamental design for a food container base, as shown and described.