US D1,014,782 S
Mark McKenna, East Grand Rapids, MI (US); Brett Willink, Grand Rapids, MI (US); Hyun Yoo, Grand Rapids, MI (US); Nathan McCaughan, Grand Haven, MI (US); and Cyril Joseph Mayne, Grand Rapids, MI (US)
Assigned to Steelcase Inc., Grand Rapids, MI (US)
Filed by STEELCASE INC., Grand Rapids, MI (US)
Filed on May 9, 2023, as Appl. No. 29/875,689.
Application 29/875,689 is a continuation of application No. 29/765,520, filed on Jan. 8, 2021, granted, now D990707.
Term of patent 15 Years
LOC (14) Cl. 25 - 03
U.S. Cl. D25—16  [D25/58; D6/329]
OG exemplary drawing
We claim the ornamental design for a partition, as shown and described.