US PP36,413 P2
Strawberry plant named ‘DrisStrawOneHundredFive’
Latin Name:
Fragaria x ananassa
, Varietal Denomination: DrisStrawOneHundredFive
Phuong Nguyen, Thousand Oaks, CA (US)
Assigned to Driscoll's, Inc., Watsonville, CA (US)
Filed by Driscoll's, Inc., Watsonville, CA (US)
Filed on Jun. 11, 2024, as Appl. No. 18/740,051.
Int. Cl.
A01H 5/08
A01H 6/74
A01H 6/7409
U.S. Cl.
1 Claim
1. A new and distinct variety of strawberry plant named ‘DrisStrawOneHundredFive’ as shown and described herein.