US 12,210,346 B2
Methods and systems for determining flight plans for vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aerial vehicles
Quentin Lindsey, Canoga Park, CA (US); and Henry Thome Won, Simi Valley, CA (US)
Assigned to AeroVironment, Inc., Arlington, VA (US)
Filed by AeroVironment, Inc., Arlington, VA (US)
Filed on Nov. 21, 2023, as Appl. No. 18/516,038.
Application 18/516,038 is a continuation of application No. 17/387,804, filed on Jul. 28, 2021, granted, now 11,860,633.
Application 17/387,804 is a continuation of application No. 16/260,866, filed on Jan. 29, 2019, granted, now 11,086,325, issued on Aug. 10, 2021.
Claims priority of provisional application 62/623,473, filed on Jan. 29, 2018.
Prior Publication US 2024/0094729 A1, Mar. 21, 2024
This patent is subject to a terminal disclaimer.
Int. Cl. G05D 1/00 (2024.01); B64C 29/00 (2006.01); G08G 5/00 (2006.01); B64U 10/20 (2023.01); B64U 30/295 (2023.01); B64U 101/32 (2023.01)
CPC G05D 1/0202 (2013.01) [B64C 29/00 (2013.01); G08G 5/0034 (2013.01); B64U 10/20 (2023.01); B64U 30/295 (2023.01); B64U 2101/32 (2023.01); B64U 2201/10 (2023.01); G08G 5/003 (2013.01)] 20 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A method comprising:
determining, by a processor having addressable memory, two or more flight paths based on a rotation of each straight-line segment by set increments;
selecting, by the processor, a flight path of the determined two or more flight paths at an increment of the set increments using the least energy by an aerial vehicle to complete;
generating, by the processor, a flight plan for the aerial vehicle comprising the determined one or more straight-line segments and one or more turnarounds connecting each straight-line segment; and
controlling, by the processor, the aerial vehicle based on the generated flight plan.