CPC G06T 5/005 (2013.01) [G06F 12/0804 (2013.01); G06T 1/60 (2013.01); G06T 15/06 (2013.01); G06T 17/10 (2013.01); G06F 12/0862 (2013.01); G06F 12/126 (2013.01); G06F 2212/1024 (2013.01); G06F 2212/302 (2013.01); G06F 2212/452 (2013.01); G06F 2212/455 (2013.01)] | 18 Claims |
1. A machine-implemented method of ray tracing, comprising:
concurrently executing, in a programmable computation unit, one or more threads of computation corresponding to a group of computation tasks identified for concurrent execution, wherein the programmable computation unit executes threads of computation over a set of time frames, the programmable computation unit being configured to concurrently execute the one or more threads of computation by executing the one or more threads of computation in the same time frame, and wherein executing each thread of the one or more threads comprises executing an instruction causing issuance of an operation code including data that identifies a ray; and
at a logic module arranged to execute independently of the programmable computation unit and operable to perform a predetermined set of operations, reading the operation code and performing an operation specified by the operation code for the ray.