US 12,196,427 B2
Heat shield
David Dadoyan, Van Nuys, CA (US)
Filed by Sweet Heat LLC, Van Nuys, CA (US)
Filed on Oct. 13, 2023, as Appl. No. 18/487,003.
Application 18/100,741 is a division of application No. 16/679,003, filed on Nov. 8, 2019, abandoned.
Application 18/487,003 is a continuation of application No. 18/100,741, filed on Jan. 24, 2023, granted, now 11,796,186.
Prior Publication US 2024/0035671 A1, Feb. 1, 2024
Int. Cl. F24C 15/22 (2006.01); F24C 1/12 (2021.01)
CPC F24C 15/22 (2013.01) [F24C 1/12 (2013.01)] 3 Claims
OG exemplary drawing
1. A directional heat shield for use with an existing or new heater design having a cap over a heating element, the heat shield comprising:
one or more heat reflective panels each hingedly coupled to and disposed along a full or partial circumference of an edge of the cap and movably positioned from resting near the cap to hanging from the edge of the cap;
selecting one or more of the panels to be disposed to customizably create a desired reflective surface.